Working for a
Bright Future

Youth Employment Services

Outreach Employment Training: Learning to Earn

Jobs are about more than income. They’re about learning, self-sufficiency, relationships, and dignity. That’s why Outreach invests in comprehensive employment training and wrap-around services that support young adults ages 18-29 as they gain the necessary skills for healthy independence. Through Outreach Employment Training, young adults can participate in:

  • Tutoring
  • Paid work experience
  • Job skills training
  • Paid internships
  • Mental health counseling
  • Practical support

Employment Training

Employment Training

Employment Training

This is a job training program designed to empower young adults (18-29 years of age) to pursue their employment and career goals. They can do this through paid work opportunities, coaching, supportive case management, and career exploration.

Employment Training Centers have four components:

  • Classroom training in remedial education/GED studies, employment soft skills, basic computer skills, life skills and character development.
  • A paid internship, 25-30 hours per week, at a social enterprise or community service site.
  • A four-month, paid internship in the private sector in an industry of interest for the student.
  • Placement in permanent employment at either the internship site or in a related position, or enrollment in an apprenticeship program, technical school, or junior college to access higher-skilled employment and career opportunities.